Ace Outdoor Bench from Ethimo, designed by Patrick Norguet
Ace Outdoor Bench from Ethimo, designed by Patrick Norguet
Ace Outdoor Bench from Ethimo, designed by Patrick Norguet
Ace Outdoor Bench from Ethimo, designed by Patrick Norguet
Ace Outdoor Bench from Ethimo, designed by Patrick Norguet

Ace Outdoor Bench by Ethimo



Metal Finish


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Embark on a fresh venture with Ace by Ethimo. Designed by Patrick Norguet, Ace is ingeniously crafted to enhance the aesthetics of tennis courts, swimming pools, sports clubs, and upscale resorts, seamlessly adapting to its surroundings. Its remarkable adaptability and versatility are highlighted by the myriad of configurations it offers, serving not only professional circuits and major sporting events but also everyday athletic pursuits. The centerpiece of this collection is an exceptionally versatile bench, customizable to various needs, and expandable with supplementary features like a Black cork surface (a natural and eco-friendly material), a shoe rack, a bag holder, and an aluminum bottle holder. Crafted primarily from natural teak and aluminum, available in four hues: Black Red, Moss Green, Coffee Brown, and Warm White, Ace prioritizes eco-conscious materials durable enough for outdoor use, ensuring harmony with its environment.