Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner
Carousel Sofa from Emu, designed by Sebastian Herkner

Carousel Sofa by Emu

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The Carousel Sofa, a design marvel by Sebastian Herkner, seamlessly blends form and function. Its aluminum tubular frame provides both strength and lightness, while the intricate synthetic rope patterns evoke sophistication. Whether placed on a sun-kissed patio or in a lush garden, this sofa exudes European elegance. With color stability and suitability for marine environments, it’s more than furniture, it’s an outdoor oasis where comfort meets style. The adjustable insoles add a practical touch, making the Carousel Sofa a timeless choice for those who appreciate modern aesthetics.